Transport damage in the mail order business – how to avoid?

Transport damage in the mail order business – how to avoid?

During transport, it can sometimes happen that the goods being transported are damaged, whether by shock and impact or by fluctuations in temperature, pressure, or humidity. Small electronic data loggers can help to prevent damage, or to protect goods by determining the cause and taking the appropriate preventive action.

In the case of so-called consumer goods purchases by private individuals, the trader usually bears the transport risk. Mail order companies or online sellers must therefore bear in mind that they are responsible for the proper and damage-free delivery of the ordered goods. On the one hand, damage prevention is, of course, the best method of preventing damage and the associated expensive liability disputes from occurring in the first place. However, it is not only prevention that is important, but also that, in the event of damage, it is possible to prove exactly when the damage occurred, and that it is therefore also clear who is responsible for the damage. In this case, disputes about liability issues cannot even arise.

Prevent financial losses

How to avoid transport damage in the mail order business? MSR175 data loggers can be used to determine which packaging is best suited to the transport of goods. Market researchers expect e-commerce and mail order business to grow to a total of 4.5 trillion dollars around the world by the end of 2021. This continues to mean an annual increase of around 20 % in each case. In Germany, online orders already account for around 60 billion Euros. Every third delivery is rejected due to damage or delivery delays. Two-thirds of all damages are due to shocks. Retailers should therefore try to determine, by means of appropriate investigations, which packaging is best suited to protect the goods and merchandise as best as possible during typical transportation. Such investigations can be carried out as part of preventive tests in order to develop optimal (i.e. the best possible protection against damage) and yet cost-effective packaging solutions for mail order businesses. For example, small electronic MSR175 transport data loggers can be added to the packages to be tested in which a test shipment is placed. They mainly record shocks, but also other physical parameters, such as humidity.

Transport data loggers register damage events

Since two thirds of all damage can be traced back to shocks, the most important physical parameters that should be monitored for a shipment are, first and foremost, acceleration, shock events, and jolts. In order to document these, the MSR175 data loggers can be sent with the goods to be shipped. The loggers contain powerful sensors, together with sophisticated storage and evaluation electronics. The two 3-axis acceleration sensors (±15 g and ±200 g) integrated into an MSR175 data logger record critical events such as shocks and jolts at a measurement rate of up to 6,400 measurements per second. The transport data logger's memory capacity of over 2 million measurement values is sufficient to record at least 1,000 shocks (type variante with Li-Po battery 230 mAh). The MSR175 also measures and stores temperature curves from -20° to +65 °C. In a second type variant, each data logger is also equipped with internal humidity, pressure, and light sensors, which can provide further useful transport data. The data logger is also available in a version with a replaceable Li-SOCI2 battery, which allows transport and storage monitoring of sensitive goods over a period of more than two years.

After a test shipment, the measurement data recorded by the logger can be quickly transferred to a computer via the USB port. A single click on the MSR ReportGenerator is sufficient to call up a summary. For a detailed measured data analysis, the MSR ShockViewer, which is integrated in the MSR175 software package is available as a free basic version. To start a recording cycle, the software "MSR Dashboard" is available, which allows the logger to be configured on a PC with just a few mouse clicks.

Therefore, considering that transport damage is not only frustrating, but can also have considerable consequential costs (e.g. due to complaints or returns), then such data loggers are an ideal form of technical support, which can serve above all to optimize packaging. However, these loggers can also help mail order businesses to locate damage-prone transport companies or logistics service providers. All of these measures ultimately serve to prevent damage, to prove unfavourable transport or shipping methods and, in sum, to reduce costs.

>click here for a selection of data loggers for transport monitoring

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